Printed Optics: 3D Printing of Embedded Optical Elements for Interactive Devices


We present an approach to 3D printing custom optical elements for interactive devices labeled Printed Optics. Printed Optics enable sensing, display, and illumination elements to be directly embedded in the casing or mechanical structure of an interactive device. Using these elements, unique display surfaces, novel illumination techniques, custom optical sensors, and embedded optoelectronic components can be digitally fabricated for rapid, high fidelity, highly customized interactive devices. Printed Optics is part of our long-term vision for interactive devices that are 3D printed in their entirety. In this paper, we explore the possibilities for this vision afforded by fabrication of custom optical elements using today’s 3D printing technology.

Full Citation

Karl Willis, Eric Brockmeyer, Scott Hudson, and Ivan Poupyrev. 2012. Printed optics: 3D printing of embedded optical elements for interactive devices. In Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 589-598. DOI:

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